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Wikifunctions:Catalogue/String operations

From Wikifunctions

String evaluation operations

These functions perform simple tests on a text string to tell you if something else needs to be done, or they already are in an expected format.

String comparison operations

String discard functions

String character discard functions

These reduce a string by discarding certain characters.

Simple String transformations

These perform character replacements and other basic operations.

Replace suffix

Add string suffix if not already present

Other transformations

Color operations

String presentation transformations

Uncommon String operations

These functions perform more advanced transformations, hold more states and showcase the more advanced capabilities of Wikifunctions.

String classical cipher functions

(alphabet needs to be specified when calling these functions)

Cryptographic hash functions

(would be better with types representing a stream of bytes)

Experimental String operations

TODO: Explain why these exist and when people might use them.

Wikitext and Mediawiki string operations

Comma-separated operations

  • string is element of CSV (Z11094): tests whether a string is an element of a validly formatted (RFC 4180) comma-separated value series (single row, not whole file); be careful to validly interpret a CSV with quoted fields