Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Scientific functions

Place functions to their fields of study.
- blood compatibility (Z14469): checks whether two blood groups are compatible with each other. Input must be in the form of A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-
- blood group inheritance (Z14473): calculates child's blood group based on parent one and parent two genotype blood groups; A and B are co-dominant, while O is recessive
- Translate RNA (Z22162): Translate an RNA sequence into the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain it codes for. Uses human codon mappings. Starts in-frame from the first start codon and stops at stop codons.
- remove isotopic specificity in SMILES (Z11811): minimally replace any validly specified isotopes in a SMILES string with the generic atom
- condense to numeric charges in SMILES string (Z11884): condenses the charges with magnitudes greater than one in SMILES strings, e.g. [Ti++++] to [Ti+4]
- expand from numeric charges in SMILES string (Z12611): expands the charges with magnitudes greater than one in SMILES strings, e.g. [Ti+4] to [Ti++++]
- remove charges from SMILES string (Z12617): removes all the charges which are indicated in SMILES strings
- is a chemical element symbol (Z11854): tests whether a string is a standard (currently correct) chemical element symbol
- sign of net charge from SMILES string (Z16718): takes a string representation of a molecular or ionic compound and returns whether it is positive, negative, or neutral overall
- remove non-stereochemical single bonds from SMILES (Z16741): see Single bonds "-" are allowed but usually omitted. Careful not to remove any negative charges.
- Molar mass of compound (Z18932): Calculates the molar mass of a chemical compound based on its formula, returning results in g/mol.
- Schrödinger Model sub shell configuration (Z22155): Get the schrödinger model sub shell configuration of an atom, given the number of electrons.
- Required cables in mesh topology (Z18922): Calculates the number of cables required for a mesh network topology by giving the number of nodes.
Electrical Engineering
- Resistor 4–band code (Z21245): Given colors of a resistor, outputs its resistance in ohms. Ignores tolerance band. Follows IEC 60062:2016.
- add resistances in parallel (Z20074): adds resistance (in ohms) of resistors in a circuit in parallel