Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Number operations
Numeric Characteristics
- is Natural number (Z15818): returns True if the argument is a Natural number, otherwise False (unless error)
- is prime (Z12427): Checks if the provided natural number is prime or not.
- is semiprime (Z14953): no description
- is factorial (Z14961): no description
- is square number (Z15190): no description
- is square-free integer (Z15276): no description
- is power of 2 (Z15735): no description
- is power of k (Z15741): renvoie "vrai" si le nombre donné est une puissance de k, sinon "faux"
- is perfect kth power (Z15251): no description
- is perfect number (Z14933): no description
- is superperfect number (Z14999): no description
- is semiperfect number (Z14980): renvoie "vrai" si le nombre est semi-parfait, sinon "faux"
- is factorial prime (Z14966): no description
- is perfect power (Z15265): check if a natural number n is a perfect power (i.e. there exists natural numbers m > 1 and k > 1 such that m^k = n)
- divisors (Z13726): For a given number return a list of natural numbers that divide the given number without remainder. Return in ascending order.
- is (m,k)-perfect number (Z15007): no description
- is Armstrong number (Z12636): Sum of individual digit to the power total number of digits is equal to original number.
- is Carmichael number (Z14683): returns true if the input is a Carmichael number, otherwise false
- is Cunningham number (Z15757): check if a natural number is of form a^b+1 or a^b-1, where a,b>=2
- is Fermat pseudoprime (Z14783): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- is Fibonacci number (Z15617): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is Lucas–Carmichael number (Z15282): no description
- is Poulet number (Z14792): no description
- is Størmer number (Z15201): no description
- is Wieferich number (Z14815): no description
- is Wieferich prime (Z14810): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is abundant number (Z14976): renvoie "vrai" si le nombre est abondant, sinon "faux"
- is arithmetic number (Z15031): no description
- is deficient number (Z14971): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- is eban number (Z15151): check if a number contains 'e' when spelled out in English (A006933)
- is evil number (Z15127): "evil number" : entier positif possédant un nombre de 1 positif dans son expression binaire
- is harmonic divisor number (Z14924): no description
- nth centered k-gonal number (Z15443): also see Z15500 for non-centered polygonal number
- is k-almost prime (Z14946): no description
- is k-hyperperfect number (Z14938): no description
- is k-perfect number (Z15018): no description
- is k-rough number (Z15241): no description
- is k-smooth number (Z15218): no description
- is m-superperfect number (Z15013): no description
- is odious number (Z15121): no description
- is palindromic number (Z15050): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is palindromic prime (Z15055): no description
- is refactorable number (Z15186): no description
- is regular number (Z15224): no description
- is sphenic number (Z14958): no description
- is strobogrammatic number (Z15195): no description
- is unusual number (Z15228): no description
- is weird number (Z14991): no description
- equality of natural numbers (Z13522): Checks if two natural numbers have the same value
- Kronecker delta (Z15849): returns 1 if the two natural number inputs are equal, and 0 if they are unequal
- greater than (natural numbers) (Z13676): returns true if and only if the first number is strictly greater than the second
- greater than or equal (natural numbers) (Z13682): returns true if and only if the first number is greater than or equal to the second
- less than (natural numbers) (Z13689): returns true if the first is strictly less than the second
- less than or equal (natural numbers) (Z13695): returns true if and only if the first number is less than or equal to the second number
- sign of difference (Z16731): returns the sign of the subtraction: (first number - second number)
- are coprime (natural numbers) (Z13701): the only common factor of the two arguments is 1
- is natural number divisible (Z13740): true if the dividend (first number) is divisible by the divisor (second number) with no remainder
- is integer divisible (Z20266): Does the second number fit into the first number without a remainder?
- natural number is even (Z13555): true if the input is evenly divisible by 2
- first natural number is in closed interval of the other two (Z16773): no description
- same list of natural numbers (Z17628): Checks that two lists of natural numbers are the same. Repetitions and order matters.
- greater of two natural numbers (Z13630): returns the greater of the two arguments
- lesser of two natural numbers (Z13633): returns the lower of two natural numbers
- minimum of natural number list (Z19509): Returns the smallest element from a list of natural numbers. If the list is empty, return 0.
Arithmetic Functions
- Ones complement binary addition (Z12971): Performs binary addition using the ones complement method.
- Ones complement binary subtraction (Z12975): Performs binary subtraction using the ones complement method.
- add two Natural numbers (Z13521): adds two Natural numbers together, returning a Natural number
- increment natural number (Z13578): increase a natural number by one
- multiply two natural numbers (Z13539): calculate the product of two natural numbers
- divide natural numbers (Z13546): returns the integral portion of the result from dividing two natural numbers
- remainder of natural number division (Z13551): remainder from dividing two natural numbers
- absolute difference between natural numbers (Z13576): magnitude of the difference, independent of the order of arguments
- subtract natural numbers with floor of 0 (Z13569): subtracts the second natural number from the first, returns 0 if the second is larger
- subtract natural numbers as integer (Z17315): returns an integer as the subtraction of two natural numbers
- decrement natural number by one (Z13582): reduces the value of a natural number by one, with a floor of 0
- greatest common divisor (Z13612): returns the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers
- least common multiple (Z13660): no description
- exponentiation of natural numbers (Z13647): raise base to a power
- integer square root, python (Z15257): no description
- natural number square root (Z15256): no description
- hyperoperation (Z14732): H_n(a,b) = a[n]b
- Round to decimal places (string) (Z12606): Rounds a given floating-point number to a whole number of decimal places.
- factorial (Z13667): returns the factorial of a natural number
- alternating factorial (Z15143): no description
- hyperfactorial (Z15163): [[:D:Q18450993]] [[:oeis:A002109]]
- double factorial (Z13995): the product of all the positive integers up to n that have the same parity (odd or even) as n
- double factorial of 2n-1 (Z13997): no description
- modular exponentiation (Z13818): returns the power of one natural number to another natural number, reduced mod a third natural number
- modular multiplicative inverse (Z13822): no description
- binomial coefficient (Z13848): no description
- binomial(n, floor(n/2)) (Z14007): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- k-permutation (Z13854): no description
- sign (a-b)*(a-c) (Z16762): returns the sign of the (natural number) calculation (a-b)*(a-c)
- 2*n+1 (Z15108): no description
- Ackermann function (two-argument version) (Z14742): no description
- Delannoy number, python (Z14860): no description
- Entringer number (Z15318): E(n,k)
- Eulerian number (Z14894): A(n,k)
- Fuss–Catalan number (Z15341): A_m(p,r)
- Lah number (Z14900): no description
- Lobb number (Z14905): L(m,n) with n ≥ m ≥ 0
- Narayana number (Z14847): N(n,k)
- Padovan number (Z15075): Enweghị nkọwapụta
- Padovan's spiral number (Z15085): no description
- sum of natural numbers in interval (Z14209): Computes a sum of natural numbers in a closed ascending interval [a, b].
Natural number sequences and unary natural number functions
- is Armstrong number (Z12636): Sum of individual digit to the power total number of digits is equal to original number.
- Collatz conjecture function (Z13561): returns the next entry in the Collatz sequence whose first entry is the input
- total stopping time (Collatz function) (Z14058): number of iterations of the Collatz function before the input reaches 1
- stopping time (Collatz function) (Z14066): iterations before the hailstone number goes below it's initial value (a_i < a_0), or reaches 1. See Z14058 for the total stopping time.
- Catalan number (Z13857): no description
- Cullen number (Z15044): no description
- Dedekind psi function (Z13957): no description
- Euler totient function (Z13955): no description
- Euler zigzag number (Z15302): no description
- Fermat number, F_n = 2^2^n + 1 (Z14629): Q207264
- Hooley's delta function (Z14917): no description
- Hurwitz-Radon number (Z15119): no description
- McCarthy 91 function (Z15232): no description
- Motzkin number (Z14871): no description
- Padovan number (Z15075): Enweghị nkọwapụta
- Padovan's spiral number (Z15085): no description
- Perrin number (Z15080): no description
- Riordan number (Z15061): a(n) = (n-1)*(2*a(n-1) + 3*a(n-2))/(n+1)
- Schröder number (Z14876): no description
- Sylvester's sequence nth term (Z13843): no description
- Wedderburn–Etherington number (Z15386): no description
- Woodall number (Z15047): no description
- cake number (Z14888): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- central Delannoy number (Z14864): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- central binomial coefficient (Z13989): no description
- exponential factorial (Z15157): no description
- largest prime divisor (Z13735): no description
Bitwise Functions
- bitwise and (Z13651): no description
- bitwise or (Z13652): disjunkce aplikovaná na jednotlivé bity
- bitwise xor (Z13653): no description
- left shift (Z13812): no description
- right shift (Z13813): no description
- binary weight of n (Z13860): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- length of binary representation (Z13928): no description
Number conversions
- Arabic to Roman numeral (Z11022): Convert a natural number [1, 4999] to roman numeral
- Roman to Arabic numeral (Z11023): Convert a Roman numeral to Arabic numeral
- Attic numerals to Natural number (Z18515): Convert a string of Ancient Greek numerals into a Natural Number (Wikifunctions type)
- Arabic to Indo-Arabic numerals (Z18489): Takes an Arabic number and returns the same number in the Indo-Arabic system.
- Indo-Arabic to Arabic numerals (Z18504): Takes an Indo-Arabic number and returns the same number in the Arabic system.
- to glagolitic numeral (Z14018): Turns a number into its representation as a glagolitic numeral. Works for the range 1-5999.
- Binary to decimal (Z12982): Takes a binary number set and returns the equivalent decimal number.
- Binary to hexadecimal (Z12987): Takes a binary number set and returns the equivalent Hexadecimal number.
- natural number to binary string (without prefix) (Z13779): no description
- natural number to octal (without prefix) (Z13780): Converts a decimal (base 10) integer to octal (base 8) (given as a string) without the "0o" prefix
- natural number to hexadecimal (lowercase, without prefix) (Z13781): no description
- natural number to base n (Z15671): base n <= 36
- natural number to binary (with prefix) (Z13782): no description
- natural number to octal (with prefix) (Z13783): Converts a decimal (base-10) integer to octal (base-8) as a string, prefixed with "0o"
- natural number to hexadecimal (lowercase, with prefix) (Z13784): no description
- binary string to natural number (Z13797): no description
- octal to natural number (Z13798): Converts an octal (base 8) (given as a string) to natural number
- hexadecimal to natural number (Z13799): no description
- base n to natural number (Z13806): Converts an integer (given as a string, with base n <= 36) in the given base to a natural number
- Boolean to natural number (Z17065): Converts a Boolean to a natural number
Integer functions
- same Integer (Z16688): Returns true if the integers are identical
- integers have the same sign (Z17249): true if the two integers have the same sign
- integers have the same absolute magnitude (Z17254): True if the absolute value of the inputs are equivalent
- negate integer (Z17186): returns the negative of the given integer
- increment integer (Z17153): returns the value one higher than the input integer
- decrement integer (Z17160): return the value one lower than the input value
- add Integers (Z16693): adds 2 integers
- subtract an Integer (Z17111): subtracts one integer from another to give the difference as an integer
- multiply Integers (Z17120): returns the first integer times the second integer
- unit integer sign of integer (Z15844): returns 1 if the number is positive, -1 if it is negative, and 0 if it is zero
- sign of integer (Z17105): returns negative/neutral/positive
- is positive integer (Z17204): returns true if an integer is positive (not including 0)
- is zero (integer) (Z17239): true only if the integer is 0
- is negative integer (Z17215): Checks if an integer is negative. Zero is not negative.
- is non-negative integer (Z17229): returns true if the input is either a positive integer or zero
- greater than (integer) (Z17132): True if the first input is greater than the second input
- greater than or equal (integer) (Z17173): returns true if the first integer is greater than or equal to the second
- less than (integer) (Z17140): true if the first integer is less than the second
- less than or equal (integer) (Z17363): Whether the first integer is less than or equal to the second integer.
- sign to unit integer (Z17151): no description
- absolute value of integer (Z17128): returns an integer
- natural number to integer (Z17101): no description
- negate natural number to integer (Z17267): no description
- absolute value of integer as natural number (Z17144): Returns the absolute value of the input as a natural number
- integer modulo another integer (Z17167): no description
- natural number exponentiation of integers (Z17263): raises an integer to the power of a natural number
- greater of two integers (Z17376): returns the greater of the two arguments
- lesser of two integers (Z17380): returns the smaller of two integers
Integer functions using set-theoretic representation with pairs of natural numbers
see w:Integer#Equivalence classes of ordered pairs
- integer represented by ordered pair of natural numbers (Z17307)
- ordered pair of natural numbers representing integer (Z17301)
- are equivalent ordered pairs representing integers (Z17321)
- negate ordered pair of natural numbers representing integer (Z17326)
- less than (ordered pairs of natural numbers representing integers) (Z17330)
- add integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17340)
- subtract integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17469)
- multiply integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17345)
Integer sequence and unary integer functions
Rational number functions
- same Rational number (Z19686): Rational numbers that simplify to the same value are considered to be the same, e.g. 1/2=2/4
- Greater than (rational numbers) (Z19751): no description
- Greater than or equal to (rational numbers) (Z19752): no description
- Less than (rational numbers) (Z19753): renvoie "vrai" si le premier nombre rationnel est moindre par rapport au second, sinon "faux"
- Less than or equal to (rational numbers) (Z19754): no description
- is rational number an integer (Z19806): returns true if a rational number is equivalent to an integer
- is unit fraction (Z20065): returns true if a rational number is a positive fraction with 1 in the numerator
- is positive rational number (Z21702): renvoie "vrai" si la valeur donnée est un nombre rationnel positif, sinon "faux"
- Is rational number 0 (Z19922): Special case, because zero can be many different values
- is negative rational number (Z21714): renvoie "vrai" si la valeur donnée est un nombre rationnel négatif, sinon "faux"
- is non-negative rational number (Z21721): renvoie "vrai" si la valeur est un nombre rationnel non négatif, sinon "faux"
Transformation and conversion
- negate rational number (Z19694): Negates a rational number
- invert rational number (Z19711): no description
- sign of rational number (Z19717): no description
- numerator of simplified rational number (Z19722): returns the numerator of the rational number when simplified
- numerator of unsimplified rational number (Z19733): Returns the numerator of the input rational number, without simplification. Code implementations will not work since rationals are simplified on their way in or out of code.
- denominator of simplified rational number (Z19724): no description
- Integer as Rational number (Z19744): convertit un nombre entier en nombre rationnel
- rational from integer numerator and denominator (Z19848): no description
- rational from sign and natural numbers (Z20584): no description
- add rational numbers (Z19679): returns the sum of two rational numbers
- subtract rational numbers (Z19699): returns the difference between two rational numbers
- multiply rational numbers (Z19706): no description
- divide rational numbers (Z19708): no description
- power of rational number (Z21320): returns the rational number taken to the given power
- truncate a rational number (Z19682): returns the first integer coming from the rational number towards zero
- floor of rational number (Z20032): returns the floor of a rational number
- ceiling of rational number (Z20053): returns the ceiling of a rational number
- max of rational numbers (Z19736): no description
- min of rational numbers (Z19740): no description
- limit denominator (Z19800): returns the closest rational number to the input with a denominator no greater than the specified maximum (see
- nearest rational with specified denominator (Z19814): Returns the rational number with a specified denominator (or a factor of it) nearest to the original rational number. Tiebreaks should round consistently (commercial rounding).
- multiply rational by natural number (Z19826): no description
- average of two rationals (Z19833): returns the rational number that is the average of the two inputs
- rational to nearest integer, even integer tiebreak (Z19841): exact halves round to the nearest even integer
- percent completed (Z20856): no description
- volume of a rectangular prism (Z20863): The volume of a rectangular prism with a specified length, width, and depth
- volume of a pyramid (Z20870): the volume of a pyramid with a given base length, base width, and height
- area of a rectangle (Z20877): the area of a rectangle with given length and width
- square root of rational (Z20902): returns the square root of a rational number as a float
- absolute value of rational number (Z21692): no description
Probability Operations
- complementary probability (Z19967): probability of the event not occurring, given the probability that it will occur. P(!A) = 1 - P(A)
- Bayes' theorem conditional probability P(A|B) (Z20000): The probability of A occurring given that B is known to have occurred. Given by Bayes' theorem: P(A|B) = P(A)*P(B|A)/P(B)
- probability of union (Z20226): probability that either A or B or both occur(s): P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A∩B)
Probability mass functions
- Bernoulli probability mass function (Z21294): Given the probability of success, outputs the probability of the given number of successes occurring in a trial
- Binomial probability mass function (Z20094): the probability of m outcomes out of n trials when each independent trial has a fixed probability (third parameter, here labelled theta) of that outcome
- Geometric probability mass function (Z21312): Given the probability of success and a number of failed trials, outputs the probability of seeing exactly many failures before success.
Floating point functions
- sign of floating point number (Z21136): returns the sign key of a floating point number object
- exponent of floating point number (Z21139): returns the integer exponent key of a float64 number
- significand of floating point number (Z21142): returns the significant key of a float64 number
- special value of floating point (Z21145): returns the special value key of a float64 number
- Rational number as float (Z20854): Takes a rational number and converts it to a float.
- display float64 as hex string (Z21148): Examples in
- string to float64 (Python conventions) (Z20915): converts any string that Python can evaluate within float()
- read floating point number leniently (Z21642): takes the user's input string and converts it to a Float64 typed object
- read float64 (Z21925): reading function for float64 with a language specified
- convert biased exponent bits to integer exponent (Z21163): To help understand the raw binary exponent of a float64. Converts the 11-bit string to a number, then subtracts the bias of 1023.
- float as string (JS conventions) (Z20844): following to JS's JSON.stringify behaviour
- convert decimal string from comma to point (Z21679): takes an unseparated string of decimal digits, and converts (all) comma(s) to decimal points
- natural number to float64 (Z20936): converts a natural number value into a float64 value
- integer to float64 (Z20937): no description
- float as rational (Z21071): no description
- convert (float) (Z21070): it is recommended that you use Z21053 instead of this one. only use this one if needed
- same float64 (Z20850): Check whether two float64 represents the same float64 object. This does NOT check equality based on IEEE 754 rule (see Z20924 for that)!
- float64 equality (Z20924): check equality based on IEEE 754 rule (not to be confused with Z20850)
- less than (float64) (Z20940): no description
- less than or equals to (float64) (Z20941): no description
- greater than (float64) (Z20943): no description
- greater than or equals to (float64) (Z20944): no description
- not equals to (float64) (Z20945): no description
- add (float64) (Z20849): no description
- subtract (float64) (Z21031): no description
- multiply (float64) (Z21032): no description
- divide (float64) (Z21033): no description
- sine (Z20951): no description
- cosine (Z20952): no description
- tangent (Z20953): no description
- cotangent (Z20954): no description
- secant (Z20955): no description
- cosecant (Z20956): no description
- arcsine (Z20957): no description
- arccosine (Z20958): no description
- arctangent (Z20959): no description
- arccotangent (Z20960): no description
- arcsecant (Z20961): no description
- arccosecant (Z20962): no description
- hyperbolic sine (Z20963): no description
- hyperbolic cosine (Z20964): no description
- hyperbolic tangent (Z20965): no description
- hyperbolic cotangent (Z20966): no description
- hyperbolic secant (Z20967): no description
- hyperbolic cosecant (Z20968): no description
- inverse hyperbolic sine (Z20969): no description
- inverse hyperbolic cosine (Z20970): no description
- inverse hyperbolic tangent (Z20971): no description
- inverse hyperbolic cotangent (Z20972): no description
- inverse hyperbolic secant (Z20973): no description
- inverse hyperbolic cosecant (Z20974): no description
- float as percent (Z21000): takes a float representing a probability and returns a percent. rounds to the tenths place
- float64 exponentiation base e (Z21001): no description
- natural logarithm (float64) (Z21003): no description
- float64 logarithm base 2 (Z21004): no description
- float64 logarithm base 10 (Z21005): no description
- float64 logarithm base 10 (Z21005): no description
- float64 erf (Gauss error function) (Z21007): no description
- float64 erfc (complementary error function) (Z21008): no description
- float64 gamma function (Z21009): no description
- log gamma (Z21010): no description
- radians to degrees (Z21012): convertit des radians en degrés
- degrees to radians (Z21013): convertir des degrés en radians
- exponentiation (float64) (Z21028): raises the first argument to the power of the second
- float64 logarithm (Z21037): no description
- absolute value (float64) (Z21041): no description
- floor (float64 to integer) (Z20841): arrondit par le bas un nombre à virgule flottante et le restitue sous le forme d'un entier
- ceiling (float64 to float64) (Z21043): rounds towards +∞ i.e. returns the smallest integral value ≥ x
- round to decimal places (Z21047): rounds a float to n decimal places, where 0 is whole
- negate (float64) (Z21775): negates a floating point number
Number operations requiring type conversion
Numeric Characteristics
- (!) number is between (Z10603): Returns true if a number is between a minimum and a maximum (inclusive of the endpoints)
- (!) numeric string is even (Z12480): Returns true if a number is even and false otherwise. See Z13555 for the natural number version.
- (!) numeric integer string is odd (Z12429): Returns true if a number is odd and false otherwise
Arithmetic Functions
- (!) absolute value (numeric string) (Z11235): Returns the absolute value of a number. Keep using string types until floating point numbers are available.
- (!) division of numeric strings (Z12522): see Z13546 for natural number division
- (!) modulo - string types (Z12476): returns the remainder from division, see Z13551 for natural number type
- (!) multiply two numeric strings (full stop input/output format) (Z10862): Multiplies two numbers together into a product, see Z13539 for natural number type
- (!) sum list of numeric strings (Z12720): sum of an arbitrarily sized list of numbers
Trigonometric Functions
- (!) inverse cosine (Z12497): Returns the arccosine of a number
- (!) inverse hyperbolic cosine (Z12500): Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
- (!) inverse sine (Z12505): Returns the arcsine of a number
- (!) inverse hyperbolic sine (Z12509): Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
- (!) cosine (Z12473): Returns the cosine of a angle in radians
- Distance between two points on Earth (SI-unit output in meters) (Z14446): Calculates the shortest distance between two points on Earth's surface, given their latitude and longitude coordinates, using the Haversine formula. Assumes Earth is a sphere (an approximation) rather than an oblate spheroid.
Health Functions
- (!) Body Mass Index (metric) (Z12526): Calculate a BMI given a mass in kilograms and height in meters
- (!) Body Mass Index (imperial) (Z12572): Calculate a BMI given a mass in pounds and height in inches
Geometric Functions
- (!) linear interpolation (Z13341): one dimensional linear interpolation given points a,b and input t (0,1) see: for attribution
Climate related functions
These would benefit from a float type.
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of journey (Z18421): Outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e) based on 2 inputs.
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of MK1 diesel car journey (Z18391): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of MK1 petrol car journey (Z18364): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of ethanol E85 car journey (Z18406): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e), see Q57084901
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of biogas (CNG) car journey (Z18409): Takes kg of gas as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of electric car journey (Sweden) (Z18412): Takes kWh as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of fatty acid methyl ester car journey (Z18415): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of HVO car journey (Z18418): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
Distance functions
- (!) miles to kilometers (Z18428): Convert between length units.
- (!) Scandinavian miles to kilometers (Z18431): Convert between length units.
- (!) distance between two points on earth in kilometers (Haversine) (Z18362): This takes 2 coordinates and output the result in kilometers
Physics functions
- (!) Acceleration (m/s2, Newton's Second law) (Z12910): Calculation of the acceleration of a material point according to Newton's Second Law
Reminder that Wikifunctions does not support randomness for now. We always expect all functions to return functional, deterministic results, only dependent on the input. This is in order to allow for aggressive caching. see Wikifunctions:Project_chat/Archive/2023/09#Help_please.
- (!) xorshift (Z13148): xorshift rng algorithm adapted from [[en:Xorshift#Example Implementation]]
- Mulberry 32 Random (Z19441): A deterministic random function
- Xorshift (Z19460): PRNG