Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Natural language operations/German
(These generally correspond to more than one form.)
- German noun, -(e)n/-innen declension (Z11722): generate the -(e)n or -innen declined form of German nouns (f. plurals)
- German noun, -s declension (Z11729): generate the -s declined form of German nouns (some f. plurals and m./n. genitives and plurals)
- German noun, umlaut + -e declension (Z11739): generate the umlaut + -e declined form of strong German nouns (some plurals)
- German noun, -n declension (Z11749): generate the -n declined form of German nouns (used to compose some other forms)
- German noun, umlaut + -en declension (Z11753): generate the umlaut + -en declined form of strong German nouns (dative plural)
- German noun, -um/-en declension (Z11762): generate the form replacing -um with -en of a German noun (some plurals)
- German noun, -e declension (Z11789): generate the -e declined form of German nouns (some masculine/neuter plurals)
- German noun, -(e)n declension (Z11834): generate the -(e)n declined form of German nouns (m./n. all except nom. sg.)
- German noun, -(e)s genitive declension (Z12689): generate the -(e)s genitive(s) of German nouns
- German noun, umlaut + -er declension (Z11996): generate the umlaut + -er declined form of strong German nouns (some plurals)
- German noun, umlaut + -ern declension (Z12004): generate the umlaut + -ern declined form of strong German nouns (some dative plurals)
Building phrases
- German indef noun phrase (Z20612): Creates an indefinite noun phrase in German using Wikidata Lexemes
- Intro for year in German (Z20727): Creates a possible short introduction text for a year.
- German cardinal number (Z15963): returns the German word for a particular natural number
- German to Braille (Z18365): converts German text to Braille