Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Natural language operations/French
- French regular plural (Z11548): returns the regular plural of a noun in French
- French adjective to adverb (Z11589): Canja kalmar da akayi amfani da ita ta harshen Faransanci daga "Siffa" zuwa "Bayanau"
- French masculine adjective to feminine (Z11590): converts the masculine form of a French adjective to its equivalent feminine form (pre-1990 traditional orthography)
- Does this French verb belong to 1st group? (Z12436): renvoie "vrai" s'il s'agit d'un verbe du premier groupe en français, sinon "faux"
- Does this French verb belong to 2nd group? (Z12439): renvoie "vrai" s'il s'agit d'un verbe du deuxième groupe en français, sinon "faux"
- Does this French verb belong to 3rd group? (Z12440): renvoie "vrai" s'il s'agit d'un verbe du troisième groupe en français, sinon "faux"
- Conjugation of Verbs
- Conjugate être (Z21599): "Être" means "to be" in French and its form changes based on tense, pronoun, or gender/number. It has unique conjugations, so it requires its own function.Tests cases are old and pending deletion.
- Conjugate regular -er verb (Z21617): Conjugate a regular -er verb in French. Supports all 22 tenses and pronouns, as well as fem/masc and plural/non-plural. Warning: not all -er verbs are regular!
- Conjugate regular -ir verb (Z21624): Conjugate a regular -ir verb in French. Supports all 22 tenses and pronouns, as well as fem/masc and plural/non-plural. Warning: not all -ir verbs are regular!
- Conjugate regular -re verb (Z21632): Conjugate a regular -re verb in French. Supports all 22 tenses and pronouns, as well as fem/masc and plural/non-plural. Warning: not all -re verbs are regular!