Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Date operations
Day of the week
- same day of the week (Z17414): True if the two given days of the week are the same
- next day of the week (Z17420): returns the next day after the input day.
- previous day of the week (Z17435): returns the day before the input day
- advance N days of the week (Z17517): returns the day of the week N after the input day (N can be negative)
- day number to day (starting 1=Sunday) (Z17478): returns the name of a weekday, given by its number in the week, starting at SUNDAY with number 1
- day to day number (starting Sunday=1) (Z17485): কোনো সপ্তাহের বারের নামের সমতুল্য ক্রমিক সংখ্যা প্রদান করবে
- count a day of the week in a month (Z17452): When given a day, Gregorian month and year it returns total number of times the given day occurs in that month of that year.
- count a day of the week in a year (Z17536): When given a day and year it returns total number of times the given day occurs in that year.
- first date of a given day in a month (Z17506): return the date of the first day in a specific month and year
- last date of a given day in a month (Z17511): return the date of the last day in a specific month and year
- get day of the week from numerical date (Z17540): gibt den Namen des Wochentags am dem gegebenen Datums zurück
- Date list for a specific day in a given month and year (Z17516): return list of all dates (d/m/y strings) of given day in a specific month and year
- get nth date of a given day in month (Z17549): When given a day, month, year, and a valid occurrence index, it returns the date corresponding to that specific occurrence of the given day within the same month otherwise return nothing.
- is date on day (Z17556): return true if the given date fall on the given day otherwise false.
- days from one day to another (Z17578): count of how many days from the first day to the second (0 if the same)
Month operations
Gregorian months
- same month (Z16137): Checks whether 2 instances of "Gregorian calendar month" are the same
- following month (Z16136): Returns the month that follows a given month
- previous month (Z16299): returns the month before the input month
- month number to month (Z16255): Converts the natural number (1-12) it corresponds to in the order of months in a year to the month object. Tolerant of overcounting, so 13 = January, etc. 0 should either return an error or December.
- month to month number (Z16230): converts a month to the natural number (1-12) it corresponds to in the order of months in a year
- months in period (list) (Z16330): returns a list of the (Gregorian) months beginning with the first month given and ending with the final month
- month object to month name (Z16518): Takes a Gregorian calendar month object and returns its name
- month label (Z16580): returns the string value of the Persistent object label for the given Gregorian calendar month and Natural language (if one exists)
- twelve months (Z16272): returns a list of the twelve (Gregorian) months
- month is in list (Z16289): returns True if a given month is in a given list of months
- opposite month (Z16584): returns the month six months away from the input month
- is later month in the year (Z16648): true if the first month occurs strictly later in the same calendar year than the second
- is this month earlier than that month in the year? (Z16542): true if the first month occurs strictly earlier in the calendar year than the second
- days in month when not a leap year (Z16316): returns the number of days in the requested month, for non leap years
- days in month during leap year (Z16332): returns the number of days in the requested month, for leap years
- days in list of months (non-leap year) (Z16348): returns the total number of days in a list of months
- N months after month (Z16307): returns the month that is the given number of months after the given month
- N months before month (Z16293): returns the month a given number before a given month
- English month name from month number (Z13596): transforms a natural number (1-12) to the name of the month
Igbo months
- Igbo month name (Z16000): transforms an Igbo month to its name in Igbo
- same Igbo month (Z16945): when given two Igbo calendar month identities, it returns true if they are identical otherwise false.
- month number to Igbo month (Z16955): Converts the natural number (1-13) it corresponds to in the order of Igbo months in a year to the month object. Tolerant of overcounting, so 0 = Ụzọ Alụsị, 14 = Mbụ and above 14 results to an error.
- following month (Igbo) (Z16972): Returns the month that follows a given Igbo month
- Igbo month to month number (Z16973): converts a month to the natural number (1-13) it corresponds to in the order of Igbo months in a year
- previous month (Igbo) (Z16990): returns the month before a given Igbo month
- days in month (Igbo) (Z17685): Returns the days in an Igbo calender month.
Year operations
Gregorian year
- same Gregorian year (Z20166): renvoie "vrai" si les deux années données sont identiques, sinon "faux"
- next year (Z20172): একটি বছরের পরবর্তী বছরটি প্রদান করে, অব্দের সাথে বা ছাড়া।
- last year (Z20314): একটি বছরের পূর্ববর্তী/আগের বছরটি প্রদান করে, অব্দের সাথে বা ছাড়া।
- Gregorian era of Gregorian year (Z20185): একটি বছর সাধারণ অব্দ (খ্রিস্টাব্দ) নাকি সাধারণ পূর্বাব্দ (খ্রিস্টপূর্ব) সেটা প্রদান করে।
- Gregorian year to year number (Z20160): Returns the absolute year number, i.e. 2024 AD is 2024, 500 BC is 500.
- Gregorian year as string (English) (Z20192): একটি গ্রেগরীয় বছর ধরণকে অক্ষর সারিতে রূপান্তর করে।
- Gregorian year from components (Z20588): returns a Gregorian year given the era and year number
- String as Gregorian Year (Z20198): no description
- difference between Gregorian years (Z20219): Finds the number of years between the two years entered. Returns an integer in case the "earlier year" is after the "later year" (in which case the answer is negative).
- is Gregorian year leap year? (Z20181): returns True if the specified year in the Gregorian calendar (the one currently used in most parts of the world) has 366 days (February 29th added), and False if the year has 365 days
- Gregorian year to ISO 8601 year integer (Z20257): Per ISO 8601, 1 BC is turned into 0, 2 BC into -1, etc.
- starts on (Z20290): What day of the week does the given year start on, i.e. what day of the week is the first of January of the given year?
- ends on (Z20302): the day of the week of the last day of the year
Era operations
Gregorian era
- same Gregorian era (Z17817)
- opposite era (Z17977)
- Gregorian era to sign (Z18072)
- sign to Gregorian era (Z18080)
- Gregorian era is AD (Z18084)
Date operations
Day of Roman year
- day of month from date (Z20388): returns the day of the month in day of Roman year
- month from day of the Roman year (Z20343): Given a day of the Roman year, it returns the month
- next day in a standard year (Z20355): Returns the next day in the year. Not a leap year. 1 January follows 31 December.
- next day in leap year (Z20399): no description
- Day of Roman Year to Day number in year (Z20357): Utility function
- Day number in year to Day of Roman Year (Z20362): renvoie le jour de l'année à partir du numéro de jour dans l'année
- Move N dates (Z20367): returns the day of a Roman year shifted by an integer N number of days. May not be correct if it goes outside the year of origin.
- earlier in year (Z20406): is the first calendar day earlier in the year compared to the second calendar day (false if equal)
- Day of Roman year from components (Z20591): combines the month and the day number to make a Day of Roman year type
Using non-date types
- is leap year (natural number Gregorian calendar) (Z10996): Natural number version of Z20181. Returns True if the specified year in the Gregorian calendar has 366 days (February 29th added), and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Julian calendar) (Z11015): Returns True if the specified year in the Julian calendar has 366 days, and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Jalali calendar) (Z11011): Returns True if the specified year in the Jalali calendar (one of the calendars still in use in Iran and Afghanistan, also called Persian calendar) has 366 days, and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Nanakshahi calendar) (Z12176): returns true if the given year is a leap year in the Nanakshahi Punjabi calendar, and false otherwise
- get day of week from date (Z13163): returns the day of week when given a date as year, month and day of the month
- get weekday number (starting Sunday=1) from date (Z16914): returns the weekday number as a natural number when given a date as year, month and day of the month
- advance n days to get a later date (D/M/YYYY) (Z13306): when given date and number of day(s) to advance, it advances on top of the date been given to get a later date.
- go back n days to get a previous date (D/M/YYYY) (Z16908): when given date and number of day(s), it goes back from the date to get a previous date
- gregorian to nengō (Z13300): converts a given gregorian year to japanese year format, in case of pivotal year, returns both results
- nengō to gregorian (Z13335): converts a given japanese year into gregorian year
- date difference (Z18957): Takes start and end dates and returns the difference between them.
- date difference in days (Z18961): Takes start and end dates and returns the difference between them in days.
Bengali date operations
- Gregorian to Bengali date (Bangladesh) (Z12926): Converts a Gregorian date to Bangla date per Bangladeshi calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Bengali to Gregorian date (Bangladesh) (Z18131): Converts a Bengali date to Gregorian per Bangladeshi calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Gregorian to Bengali date (India) (Z18435): Converts a Gregorian date to Bangla date per Indian calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Bengali to Gregorian date (India) (Z18462): Converts a Bengali date to Gregorian per Indian calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Days in Bengali month (Bangladesh) (Z18169): Returns the number of days in a Bengali month according to the Bangladeshi calendar.
- Days in Bengali month (India) (Z18573): Returns the number of days in a Bengali month according to the Indian calendar.
- Is same Bengali month days (Z18582): It checks whether a Bengali month has the same number of days according to both the Indian and Bangladeshi calendar versions.
- Month number to Bengali month (Z18387): Returns the Bengali romanized month name for a number. Allows overcounting.
- Bengali to Gregorian months (Z18397): Returns the Gregorian month numbers corresponding to a Bengali month number.
- Months in period (Bengali) (Z18662): Takes the start and end month numbers and return the list of Bengali months between them
Language specific
- Basque month name from month number (Z18826): transforms a natural number (1-12) to the name of the month in Basque language
- Arabic Syriac to Latin month (Z20013): Convert Arabic Syriac month name to Arabic Latin month name