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User:Hogü-456/Non-included functions in Function catalogue

From Wikifunctions

Auf dieser Seite gibt es eine Liste von Funktionen, welche noch nicht im Funktionskatalog vorhanden sind.

Exported Pages

How the data was extracted

There was a Export done via Special:Export and then the result was transferred to a Spreadsheet. You can find the Spreadsheet here. The assumption was that a Link to an Z-Object exits if the Template Z-Object has been used.

Functions not listed in Function catalogue

Zobject Title
Z18055 Swedish noun seventh declension plural definite umlaut + -ens
Z16472 (!) add integer strings
Z18424 (!) carbon dioxide emissions of train journey
Z18453 (!) centimeter to inch
Z16502 (!) count decimal places
Z12992 (!) durch Zeichenkette implizierter Typ
Z10495 (!) erhalte Darstellungs-Zeichenkette aus Form-JSON
Z10499 (!) erhalte Glossen-Zeichenkette aus Sinn-JSON
Z10222 (!) erhalte lexikalische Kategorie aus Lexem-JSON
Z10041 (!) erhalte Sprachobjekt aus Lexem-JSON
Z16483 (!) gamma function (strings)
Z15982 (!) grammatical number for languages with only singular and plural
Z16012 (!) grammatical number for languages with singular, dual and plural
Z16015 (!) grammatical number for languages with singular, paucal (2-5) and plural
Z15988 (!) grammatical number for languages with singular, paucal, and plural
Z18456 (!) inch to feet
Z18459 (!) inches to feet and inches
Z20107 (!) is error
Z12602 (!) Kronecker-Delta
Z10225 (!) Lexem-Form-JSON hat gewünschte grammatikalische Funktion
Z18353 (!) meters to kilometers
Z18447 (!) meters to miles
Z18450 (!) miles to meters
Z12665 (!) potenzieren
Z15977 (!) return grammatical number for an integer and language
Z16463 (!) sine
Z16468 (!) subtract floating point numbers (strings)
Z16470 (!) subtract one integer string from another
Z16475 (!) tangent
Z16507 (!) truncate by
Z16509 (!) truncate to
Z19510 (#) sort list by increasing metric function
Z19583 (sample) validate rational number
Z19571 (sample) validator for floats
Z18238 (Swedish noun) interfix "e" needed in compound?
Z18233 (Swedish noun) interfix "o" needed in compound?
Z18220 (Swedish noun) interfix "s" needed in compound?
Z18226 (Swedish noun) interfix "u" needed in compound?
Z18166 (Swedish verb) has imperative?
Z14005 1-2 Thue-Morse sequence
Z19094 2 by 2 matrices multiplication
Z13644 2^n
Z13948 2^n-1
Z13963 3^n
Z13969 4^n
Z20472 ablative inanimated
Z17651 Acute Spanish word
Z19654 Add chars every n chars
Z14295 add commas between triples if more than four digits
Z14435 add narrow nonbreaking space between triples if more than four digits
Z14438 add nonbreaking space between triples if more than four digits
Z19645 add periods between each triplet
Z14364 add periods between triples if more than four digits
Z18151 add suffix "dde" if string does not already end with "dde"
Z18142 add suffix "de" to string if it does not already end with "de"
Z18032 add suffix "ena" if string does not end with "ena"
Z17931 add suffix "na" if string does not already end with "na"
Z18095 add suffix "rs" to end if string does not already end with "rs"
Z18154 add suffix "tt" if string does not end with "tt"
Z14368 add thin space between triples if more than four digits
Z10782 addiere zwei ganze Zahlen
Z16153 Aliquot sequence size
Z13827 all 1's sequence
Z11903 alle Bindungen in SMILES-Zeichenkette haben Atome
Z12745 alle unterschiedlichen Permutationen
Z11899 alle Zeichen in SMILES-Zeichenkette sind gültig
Z13483 Alpha-2-Sprachcodes nach ISO 639-1 auflisten
Z10670 Änderung der Schreibweise in Panjabi
Z13407 anhand von Leerzeichen trennen
Z19041 Anno Domini to Common Era and vice versa (English)
Z13764 Anzahl der Primteiler
Z13760 Anzahl der Teiler
Z13767 Anzahl einzigartiger Primteiler
Z18597 append element to untyped list
Z18276 append natural number to list
Z14779 apply a two-parameter function pairwise to elements of two lists of the same length
Z20024 Arabic Latin to Syriac month
Z20013 Arabic Syriac to Latin month
Z19914 Are rational numbers additive inverses?
Z19931 Are rational numbers multiplicative inverse?
Z13085 Areakotangens hyperbolicus
Z117 Argumentdeklaration prüfen
Z118 Argumentreferenz prüfen
Z15840 ASCII Braille decode
Z15838 ASCII Braille encode
Z14159 Astronomical symbols
Z14615 Atbash
Z14610 Atbash (Hebrew)
Z12121 Attributivform eines Adjektivs in Belutschisch
Z10112 Ausgabetyp der Funktion
Z122 Auswertungsergebnis prüfen
Z20064 Average length of Lexeme's forms
Z19387 az-last vowel
Z19360 az-vowel harmony
Z18877 Balochi Latin (Jahani 2009) to Balochi Latin (Abdolla 1935)
Z18321 base n to base m
Z18467 base n to int (integer base)
Z20486 Basque terminative allative animated singular
Z12217 Bilibili: avid in bvid
Z12219 Bilibili: bvid in avid
Z10287 binärer Wahrheitswert
Z10257 binäres falsch
Z14773 binary string to list of booleans
Z10908 Bindestrich in Minuszeichen
Z20094 Binomial probability mass function
Z15575 BLAKE2b
Z10140 BLAKE2b-160
Z10141 BLAKE2b-256
Z10142 BLAKE2b-384
Z10143 BLAKE2b-512
Z15581 BLAKE2s
Z10144 BLAKE2s-128
Z10145 BLAKE2s-160
Z10146 BLAKE2s-224
Z10147 BLAKE2s-256
Z10329 boolesche Implikation
Z10272 boolesche Umkehrung des linken Werts
Z10306 boolesche Umkehrung des rechten Werts
Z10725 boolesche Werte verbinden
Z140 booleschen Wert prüfen
Z10265 boolescher linker Wert
Z10298 boolescher rechter Wert
Z10441 Brainfuck Interpreter
Z16398 Brazilian Portuguese cardinal
Z12354 bretonische Konjugation Futur 2. Person Plural mit -ot
Z12451 bretonische Konjugation Präteritum 1. Person Singular mit -jon
Z12729 Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation
Z15702 byte as hex string
Z180 Byte prüfen
Z14567 byte to natural number
Z18531 Byzantine to Arabic numeral
Z18218 car itinerary CO2E
Z16437 cardinal in chosen language
Z16487 Celsius to Fahrenheit
Z12599 ch. Verb + dir. Obj. arrangieren + negieren
Z18939 character to sign
Z13829 characteristic function of 0
Z16114 Chinese numeral to natural number
Z18386 climate cost of car journey
Z19623 Closest city to point
Z15991 code point prefix
Z116 Code prüfen
Z15631 codepoint to string
Z186 Codepunkt prüfen
Z10608 codiere URI-Komponente
Z15299 compositorial of natural number
Z18288 concatenate lists (of natural numbers)
Z18755 concatenate Typed lists
Z18983 Convert BN to EN
Z19223 Convert ISO 3166 country code to name
Z18181 cost of fossil fuel car journey (litres)
Z19265 Count lexeme senses in lexeme
Z15564 CRC-32
Z19896 Create rational number from list and sign
Z12794 CSV zu Liste von Zeichenketten
Z19637 Current time, with natural number input
Z19344 D'Hondt method
Z20618 Dagbani possessive
Z16498 date parser (string to list)
Z10745 Dateiendung aus Dateiname
Z20371 Day from Date + Year
Z17424 day number to day (integer, starting 1=Sunday)
Z20421 day of the week
Z17442 day to day number (starting Sunday=1, integer)
Z19046 Declension for Latvian nouns
Z10938 decodiere HTML-Zeichen
Z14313 default function from configuration
Z11355 Deklination von maskulinen kroatischen Nomen
Z14859 Delannoy number
Z19862 denominator of unsimplified rational number
Z12215 Devanagari in Mundari Bani
Z12905 Dezimal in ASCII
Z10987 dezimale Schreibweise zum Unicode-Zeichen
Z12391 Diakritika entfernen
Z20241 Display Gregorian year
Z16700 display Integer
Z14280 display natural number
Z19416 Distance between Earth and Mars on a specific date
Z18363 Distance between two QIDs (SI-unit output in meters) (Wikidata lookup and float type needed)
Z16714 DNA sequence complement
Z19446 Double run Mulberry 32
Z10770 duplizieren mit Leerzeichen
Z14023 East Asian age reckoning
Z19661 Echo (string)
Z121 Einheit prüfen
Z111 einsprachigen Text prüfen
Z131 einsprachigen Textsatz prüfen
Z13730 einzigartige Primteiler
Z16245 element following match (0 to N)
Z14046 element to list
Z13717 Elemente von Liste ersetzen nach Schlüssel-Wert
Z11961 endet mit einem der Buchstaben AEIOU
Z10891 Endform in Normalform (Hebräisch)
Z19499 Englische Adjektive sortieren
Z11651 englischer Nominativ in Akkusativ
Z12828 Englisches Adjektiv von Name einer Pflanzenfamilie
Z18804 English antonym using prefix
Z17654 English country demonym
Z18845 English declarative sentence - subject verb
Z20426 English format Day of Roman Year
Z16467 English Holocene calendar conversion (strings)
Z18871 English imperative sentence - verb
Z18874 English imperative sentence - verb + adverb
Z18886 English imperative sentence - verb + object
Z16869 English multiple of 10 between 20 and 90 (inclusive) to natural number
Z16919 English natural number transcription
Z16862 English number <100 to natural number
Z16878 English number <1000 to natural number
Z16855 English number <20 to natural number
Z19370 English Numerical Prefix Latin
Z20118 English Rational Number
Z20132 English Rational Number from components
Z18720 English Wiktionary HTML page content
Z11102 entferne doppelte Zeichen
Z19198 entferne Elemente auch in zweiter Liste
Z11553 entferne Emoticons/Emojis
Z12225 entferne Gerundium-Suffix in Urdu
Z12815 entferne HTML-Tags
Z10084 entferne Leerzeichen am Anfang
Z10095 entferne nachgestellte Leerzeichen
Z10812 entferne Satzzeichen
Z11815 entferne Stereochemie-Spezifität an tetraedrischen Stellen in SMILES
Z12696 enthält
Z19586 equal Typed pairs
Z14552 equality of function options for list of languages
Z821 erhalte erstes Objekt eines typisierten Paars
Z823 erhalte Hülle aus Funktionsaufruf
Z11071 erhalte Textfragment
Z10673 erhalte URI-Schema
Z13173 erhalte Wert aus Schlüssel-Zeichenkette
Z6821 erhalte Wikidata-Datenobjekt
Z6822 erhalte Wikidata-Eigenschaft
Z6825 erhalte Wikidata-Lexem
Z6824 erhalte Wikidata-Lexemform
Z6826 erhalte Wikidata-Lexemsinn
Z822 erhalte zweites Element eines typisierten Paars
Z10313 ersetze alle Arten von Leerzeichen durch ein U+0020-Leerzeichen
Z10199 ersetze das arlam aus Panjabi-Shahmukhi durch das normale lam
Z11874 ersetze Vokal am Ende durch Suffix, sonst nur Suffix anhängen
Z10771 ersten Buchstaben des Satzes großschreiben
Z12938 Esperanto-Imperativ
Z12934 Esperanto-Indikativ im Futur
Z12930 Esperanto-Indikativ im Präsens
Z12932 Esperanto-Indikativ im Präteritum
Z12936 Esperanto-Konditionalis
Z12908 Esperanto-Verbstamm
Z19023 EU VAT number to Finnish Business ID
Z15115 exponent of highest power of 2 dividing n
Z19953 exponentiate rational number
Z15560 Fahrenheit to Celsius
Z12753 falten (rechts)
Z105 Fehler prüfen
Z150 Fehlertyp prüfen
Z885 Fehlertyp zu Typ
Z12036 femininer Plural in Panjabi
Z12247 feminines Singular-Suffix in Urdu anfügen
Z20208 Fetch value from nth claim from lexeme
Z872 Filterfunktion
Z15836 Find and replace patterns in Wikitext
Z13617 finnischer Allativ
Z12262 finnischer Genitiv im Singular
Z14537 Finnish cardinal
Z16277 first monolingual text in specified language from list of monolingual texts
Z15996 first N code points
Z19602 First true
Z17291 floor divide integers
Z15111 floor(n/2)
Z18988 Form after numbers in Arabic languages
Z19858 format [sign, numerator, denominator] as string
Z11044 Fragmentbezeichner
Z16093 French cardinal
Z12593 füge "的" ein
Z14562 function equality
Z14319 function from function option
Z108 Funktion prüfen
Z107 Funktionsaufruf prüfen
Z831 gegen Schema prüfen
Z10964 Gegenteil der umgekehrten booleschen Implikation
Z20610 Generate year number of sequence string
Z17359 get key id
Z18556 get middle character or characters of a string
Z20607 get names
Z6802 gleiche Wikidata-Eigenschaft
Z6804 gleiche Wikidata-Lexemform
Z6806 gleicher Wikidata-Lexemsinn
Z6801 gleiches Wikidata-Datenobjekt
Z6805 gleiches Wikidata-Lexem
Z14444 Gray code (decimal equivalent)
Z18084 Gregorian era is AD
Z19065 Gregorian era of year number
Z18072 Gregorian era to sign
Z19033 hamming distance
Z16885 has generic Type
Z13440 hat Binnenmajuskel und Initialminuskel
Z12400 hat Diakritika
Z14634 hebrew calendar intercalary number
Z14626 hebrew date convert
Z19118 Hex Inverter
Z10785 hexadezimale Unicode-Codepunkt-Codierung
Z19334 Hindi cardinal
Z19343 Hindi ordinal
Z11640 Hindko-Plural
Z15117 höchste Potenz von 2 die N dividiert
Z16515 Holocene calendar conversion (numbers and strings)
Z10638 HTML-Anker-Tag
Z189 HTML-Fragment prüfen
Z11668 ICAO-Aussprache in NATO-Alphabet
Z11642 ICAO-Aussprache nach NATO-Alphabet
Z10215 Identität
Z13636 Identität natürlicher Zahl
Z16365 identity identity
Z16372 identity identity identity
Z10185 IDNA-Codierung
Z10188 IDNA-Decodierung
Z19013 Imperative to Present Tense in Tunisian
Z114 Implementierung prüfen
Z10888 in Endform (Hebräisch)
Z10387 in NFD
Z10390 in NFKC
Z10394 in NFKD
Z19011 Indefinite to definite noun in Arabic languages
Z16250 index in cycle
Z11822 Indische Verben
Z18546 Indonesian cardinal
Z18592 int to base n (integer base)
Z18346 int to negabinary
Z17591 Integer in range
Z20391 integer to exact natural number or 0
Z19550 Interlace typed lists
Z18552 Interpret JavaScript
Z20597 Intro for year in English
Z19156 inverse tangent
Z11672 IPA-Transkription in NATO-Alphabet
Z11670 IPA-Transkription nach NATO-Alphabet
Z20153 separated alternating lang string
Z19020 is a Typed list
Z14226 is AAR wheel arrangement notation
Z16615 is autumn in the southern hemisphere
Z20452 is earlier in its month?
Z20456 is earlier in the same month?
Z14112 is empty relation over elements of list
Z15026 is Erdős–Nicolas number
Z14646 is FEN field 1
Z14648 is FEN field 2
Z14653 is FEN field 3
Z14657 is FEN field 4
Z14662 is FEN field 5
Z14672 is FEN field 6
Z14643 is Forsyth–Edwards Notation
Z16624 is function a reflexive relation on list of elements
Z14765 is function associative for these arguments
Z14762 is function commutative for these arguments
Z16634 is function commutative for this first argument with all arguments in list
Z16629 is function symmetric relation over elements of list
Z15708 is hangul
Z15433 is harshad number
Z15824 is integer
Z16840 is it a valid ISBN?
Z16493 is leap year (revised Julian calendar)
Z18766 is lipogram
Z19026 is Mersenne prime
Z17491 is Monday to Friday
Z18768 is monovocalic
Z19330 is noun lexeme?
Z15247 is perfect cube
Z19641 Is point in polygon?
Z18549 Is Quechua word
Z19922 Is rational number 0
Z19618 is sentence grammatically correct (en)
Z16604 is spring in southern hemisphere
Z15626 is string in hiragana
Z16546 is summer in southern hemisphere
Z18002 is Swedish noun with multiple plural forms?
Z18006 is Swedish noun with no plural forms?
Z15593 is valid hex string
Z18336 is valid Wikidata entity identifier?
Z20231 is verb lexeme?
Z17180 is void
Z16598 is winter in the southern hemisphere
Z20277 Is year (recorded) El Nino year
Z19556 Is year US election year
Z10475 ISBN-10 mit Bindestrich
Z15974 isolate imaginary part of complex number
Z10641 ist Alphanumerisch
Z12268 ist bretonisches Verb
Z15946 ist die zweite Eingabe kleiner als die erste Eingabe
Z10821 ist EAN
Z10689 ist ein türkischer Konsonant
Z10682 ist ein türkischer Vokal
Z16834 ist eine ISBN
Z10765 ist eine ISSN
Z11863 ist eins von AEIOU
Z11036 ist einsilbig (Türkisch)
Z19479 Ist es in verschiedenen Zeitzonen ein anderer Tag?
Z10410 ist gültige Email-Adresse
Z11129 ist gültige positive Ganzzahl
Z10696 ist gültige QID
Z10561 ist hebräisches Zeichen
Z13419 ist Identitätsrelation über Elemente einer Liste
Z13381 ist in Liste enthalten
Z10802 ist IP
Z10476 ist IPv4
Z10786 ist IPv6
Z11705 ist ISBN-10
Z13324 ist länger oder gleich lang
Z10397 ist NFC
Z10398 ist NFD
Z10399 ist NFKC
Z10400 ist NFKD
Z11342 ist Nukleinsäure-Notation
Z10553 ist Palindrom (Graphem-Ebene)
Z15867 ist Portable Game Notation
Z12294 ist Schaltjahr im jüdischen Kalender
Z11208 ist SMILES-Notation
Z13322 ist sortiert
Z11577 ist Tautogramm
Z13206 ist unregelmäßiges englisches Wort
Z10524 ist Whyte-Notation
Z13489 ist Zeichenkette arab. natürlicher Dezimalzahl
Z14200 ist Zeichenkette gültiges ISO 8601-Datum oder Zeit
Z19348 item N from referenced list
Z13991 Jacobsthal number
Z15175 join two strings separably
Z18779 join using Oxford punctuation
Z18793 join with or using Oxford punctuation
Z12668 kehre Liste um
Z10548 kehre Zeichenkette um (Graphem-Ebene)
Z16394 kelvins to degrees Celsius
Z13732 kleinster Primfaktor
Z16185 Klingonische Kardinalzahl
Z10357 kompakte JSON-Zeichenkette
Z12714 Konjugation eines Verbs in Hindustani (Hindi)
Z12712 Konjugation eines Verbs in Hindustani (Urdu)
Z18529 konvertiere arabische Zahlen in Khmer
Z10567 konvertiere DMS-Koordinaten in Dezimalwert
Z18403 Korean add (-eul) to the end of a noun
Z11891 korrigiere in SMILES Atome in Klammern
Z11917 korrigiere in SMILES Atome ohne Klammern
Z12587 kr. positive bestimmte Adjektivform m. S. Gen.
Z12578 kr. positive bestimmte Adjektivform m. S. Nom.
Z16085 Kroatische Zahlwörter
Z16312 Láadan cardinal
Z14404 language of monolingual text
Z14329 language to language code
Z16313 ldnnums
Z14283 lese natürliche Zahl aus Zeichenkette
Z19467 Lichtjahr zu Parsec
Z15907 limited Natural number
Z11585 Link in Wikitext
Z12781 links falten
Z13910 List containing Natural numbers
Z13871 List element types
Z15142 list identity
Z14775 list of booleans to binary string
Z14573 list of bytes to hex (lowercase)
Z14570 list of bytes to list of ints
Z14576 list of bytes to string (UTF-8)
Z14312 list of function options for languages from configuration
Z14317 list of languages from function option
Z18284 list without last element (natural numbers)
Z12671 Liste nach Zeichenketten-Länge sortieren
Z13351 Liste von Funktionen anwenden
Z12723 Listen-Durchschnitt
Z12727 Listen-Mittelwert
Z14883 little Schröder number
Z16409 Luxembourgish cardinal
Z17534 make pair
Z15567 Malay cardinal
Z18679 Malay cardinal to ordinal number
Z18867 Malay natural number transcription
Z18893 Malay prefix peN- conversion
Z19533 Malayalam Verb to Agent Noun
Z19535 Map function with constant arguments
Z873 Map-Funktion
Z16172 Marokkanisch-Arabisches Zahlwort
Z12238 maskulines Plural-Suffix anfügen in Urdu
Z12236 maskulines Singular-Suffix anfügen in Urdu
Z19549 Mass replace given 2 lists
Z10135 MD2
Z10136 MD4
Z10137 MD5
Z15553 MD5 from hex (string)
Z112 mehrsprachigen Text prüfen
Z132 mehrsprachigen Textsatz prüfen
Z820 Metadaten auslösen
Z14334 monolingual strings are from the same language
Z16273 monolingual text in specified language from multilingual text
Z19132 Moroccan Arabic ordinal
Z19135 Moroccan Arabic ordinal (up to 10)
Z14694 multiply three natural numbers
Z13825 n mod 2
Z19601 N-ifs
Z10596 n-te Zeichenkette aus einer Liste von Zeichenketten erhalten
Z13959 n^(n-1)
Z13965 n^(n-2)
Z13977 n^3
Z13979 n^4
Z13809 n^n
Z12255 Name der Wikifunctions-Funktion
Z13006 Name des Französischen Revolutionskalenders
Z11676 NATO-Alphabet in DIN 5009
Z11674 NATO-Alphabet nach DIN 5009
Z14542 Natural number from ordinal with English suffix
Z14711 Natural number is between
Z13831 natural number range
Z19503 Natural numbers in Malayalam Script
Z160 natürliche Sprache prüfen
Z18339 negabinary to int
Z20622 Negate dagbani verb
Z20440 next day
Z10962 nicht boolesche Implikation
Z10231 nicht-oder
Z10243 nicht-und
Z10742 Nicht-Ziffern entfernen
Z123 nichts prüfen
Z13013 Nominalisierung eines thailändischen Adjektivs
Z13034 Nominalisierung thailändischer Verben
Z10384 normalisiere Unicode
Z10869 norwegischer Genitiv
Z18317 noun lexeme is endocentric compound?
Z15497 nth 5-simplex number
Z15647 nth Apéry number
Z15651 nth Belphegor number
Z15771 nth binary number in decimal
Z15544 nth centered cube number
Z15474 nth centered decagonal number
Z15547 nth centered dodecahedral number
Z15478 nth centered hendecagonal number
Z15462 nth centered heptagonal number
Z15458 nth centered hexagonal number
Z15550 nth centered icosahedral number
Z15470 nth centered nonagonal number
Z15466 nth centered octagonal number
Z15540 nth centered octahedral number
Z15454 nth centered pentagonal number
Z15450 nth centered square number
Z15537 nth centered tetrahedral number
Z15446 nth centered triangular number
Z15643 nth central trinomial coefficient
Z15525 nth decagonal number
Z14175 nth decimal place of π
Z15347 nth digit of e
Z15373 nth digit of golden ratio
Z15356 nth digit of sqrt(2)
Z15358 nth digit of sqrt(3)
Z15360 nth digit of sqrt(5)
Z15366 nth digit of sqrt(7)
Z15533 nth dodecagonal number
Z15422 nth Enneanacci number
Z15425 nth Euclid number
Z13835 nth Fibonacci number
Z15391 nth Fibonacci number of order k
Z15529 nth hendecagonal number
Z15513 nth heptagonal number
Z15415 nth Heptanacci number
Z15509 nth hexagonal number
Z15411 nth Hexanacci number
Z15500 nth k-gonal number
Z15429 nth Kummer number
Z15169 nth Leonardo number
Z13952 nth Lucas number
Z13932 nth Mersenne exponent
Z13950 nth Mersenne prime
Z15765 nth non-square number
Z15521 nth nonagonal number
Z15068 nth number in Baum–Sweet sequence
Z15092 nth number in Kolakoski sequence
Z15134 nth number in lower Wythoff sequence
Z15098 nth number in Recamán's sequence
Z15138 nth number in upper Wythoff sequence
Z15517 nth octagonal number
Z15419 nth Octanacci number
Z15598 nth Pell number
Z15605 nth Pell–Lucas number
Z15407 nth Pentanacci number
Z15491 nth pentatope number
Z13975 nth perfect number
Z15174 nth polite number
Z15362 nth prime
Z15483 nth r-simplex number
Z15438 nth star number
Z15398 nth Tetranacci number
Z15213 nth Thabit number
Z15403 nth Tribonacci number
Z10206 Null falsch
Z10210 Null wahr
Z13640 Null-Funktion
Z15313 number of alternating permutations
Z14344 number of digits in decimal string representation of a natural number
Z19248 number of forms in lexeme
Z14001 number of odd divisors
Z13986 number of primes <= n
Z14581 number of words in string
Z19085 Number to scientific notation
Z20648 Numbers of day in a month
Z15937 numerical order of two strings
Z19352 Object has this Type
Z101 Objekt prüfen
Z13982 odd part
Z17977 opposite era
Z13424 Paar und Klammern
Z17845 pad string with leading 0 until it is two characters long
Z12014 Panjabi-Plural
Z20600 parenthesize
Z19489 Parse JSON to List
Z14304 parse natural numbers leniently
Z14413 parse unambiguous numbers leniently assuming English conventions where ambiguous
Z18335 Parse wikitext configuration page
Z11461 PCRE-Auslassung
Z13971 pentagonal number
Z102 persistentes Objekt prüfen
Z19009 Phonetic transcription of Tunisian
Z14180 pi string up to the nth digit
Z16163 Plattdeutsche Kardinalzahl
Z14391 plural in language of monolingual text
Z18011 Plural of a feminine noun [Hebrew; naive]
Z18010 Plural of a masculine noun [Hebrew; Naive]
Z16221 Portuguese plural
Z16491 power set (natural numbers)
Z18194 powerset
Z18796 prefix English word
Z17763 prefixed reversed list
Z18770 prepend element (Typed or untyped list)
Z14620 pretty " (Hebrew)
Z15291 primorial of natural number
Z15287 primorial p(n)#
Z13728 Primteiler
Z14680 print
Z19512 priority level of English adjective
Z13558 Produkt von Liste
Z161 Programmiersprache prüfen
Z15037 pronic number P_n
Z19607 Properly tense every English verb
Z19866 proposed parser for rational number
Z19827 Proposed renderer for Rational number
Z12884 prüfe Sudanesische Schrift
Z10178 Punycode-Codierung
Z10181 Punycode-Decodierung
Z15113 quarter-square
Z16575 quote an object
Z17225 quoted value by key
Z15272 radical
Z19639 Random number, with additional natural number
Z19854 rational from Z numerator and N denominator
Z20006 Rational modulo
Z19952 Rational number as items of continued frac
Z20112 Rational number identity
Z20116 Rational number object identity
Z16705 read Integer
Z14290 read natural number
Z13909 rectified linear unit
Z20089 reduce (list only)
Z876 reduzieren
Z16888 reference String
Z109 Referenz prüfen
Z11268 regelmäßiges Deutsches Verb in der ersten Person plural Präsens
Z11256 regelmäßiges Deutsches Verb in der ersten Person singular Präsens
Z11272 regelmäßiges Deutsches Verb in der zweiten Person plural Präsens
Z11264 regelmäßiges Deutsches Verb in der zweiten Person singular Präsens
Z10196 regulärer Ausdruck stimmt überein
Z11308 regulärer kroatischer femininer Akkusativ im Plural
Z11204 regulärer kroatischer femininer Akkusativ im Singular
Z11298 regulärer kroatischer femininer Dativ im Plural
Z11199 regulärer kroatischer femininer Dativ im Singular
Z11288 regulärer kroatischer femininer Genitiv im Plural
Z11165 regulärer kroatischer femininer Genitiv im Singular
Z11332 regulärer kroatischer femininer Instrumentalis im Plural
Z11254 regulärer kroatischer femininer Instrumentalis im Singular
Z11314 regulärer kroatischer femininer Lokativ im Plural
Z11231 regulärer kroatischer femininer Lokativ im Singular
Z11284 regulärer kroatischer femininer Nominativ im Plural
Z11277 regulärer kroatischer femininer Nominativ im Singular
Z11319 regulärer kroatischer femininer Vokativ im Plural
Z11245 regulärer kroatischer femininer Vokativ im Singular
Z11470 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Akkusativ im Plural
Z11366 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Akkusativ im Singular
Z11457 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Dativ im Plural
Z11361 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Dativ im Singular
Z11453 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Genitiv im Plural
Z11340 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Genitiv im Singular
Z11478 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Instrumentalis im Plural
Z11445 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Instrumentalis im Singular
Z11476 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Lokativ im Plural
Z11370 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Lokativ im Singular
Z11449 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Nominativ im Plural
Z11336 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Nominativ im Singular
Z11480 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Vokativ im Plural
Z11441 regulärer kroatischer maskuliner Vokativ im Singular
Z11983 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Akkusativ im Plural
Z11843 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Akkusativ im Singular
Z11978 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Dativ im Plural
Z11944 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Dativ im Singular
Z11973 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Genitiv im Plural
Z11839 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Genitiv im Singular
Z11989 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Instrumentalis im Plural
Z11960 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Instrumentalis im Singular
Z11987 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Lokativ im Plural
Z11949 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Lokativ im Singular
Z11969 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Nominativ im Plural
Z11482 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Nominativ im Singular
Z11985 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Vokativ im Plural
Z11954 regulärer kroatischer sächlicher Vokativ im Singular
Z13213 reguläres englisches Partizip Perfekt
Z15969 reified Z1K1 (object for Key reference)
Z18291 remove all matching elements from list (of natural numbers)
Z14374 remove all spaces of all kinds
Z14136 remove BIDI embedding controls
Z15855 remove characters not suitable for markup in XML or HTML
Z14139 remove characters which activate/inhibit: symmetric swapping, Arabic form shaping, and National digit shapes
Z14130 remove clones of grave and acute
Z19202 remove duplicates from Typed list
Z19205 remove duplicates preserving typing/untyping
Z14142 remove interlinear annotation characters
Z20446 Remove invalid chars from Z13518K1
Z14154 remove language tag code points
Z14133 remove line and paragraph separator
Z14127 remove obsolete characters for Khmer
Z14151 remove scoping for musical notation
Z14145 remove U+FEFF
Z14148 remove U+FFFC
Z15858 replace character set and discard other characters
Z18157 replace suffix "a" with "er"
Z18012 replace suffix "a" with "onen"
Z18023 replace suffix "a" with "onens"
Z17703 replace suffix "a" with "or"
Z18148 replace suffix "a" with "t"
Z15769 repunit number
Z20285 Resolve string as object
Z16199 rest of list
Z19530 Return monolingual text from grammatical features
Z20462 Return self
Z15767 reverse decimal digits
Z19112 Reverse domain name notation
Z17778 reverse list (of days of the week)
Z17774 reverse list (of integers)
Z17770 reverse list (of natural numbers)
Z18479 reverse Typed list
Z10138 RIPEMD-128
Z10139 RIPEMD-160
Z19598 Rotate 2D array 90 degrees
Z19611 run until unary function matches target
Z20577 Safely eval python expression
Z15883 salted hash
Z15879 salted MD5
Z20348 same Day of Roman Year
Z20430 Same Gregorian calendar date
Z17817 same Gregorian era
Z19108 same Key
Z19892 same Rational number object
Z19084 same Type
Z15104 sandbox-function (n-ary)
Z14686 satisfies congruence relation: b^n = b mod n
Z103 Schlüssel prüfen
Z139 Schlüsselreferenz prüfen
Z10156 Scrypt
Z18522 segment sentences
Z18069 select alphabetically first item
Z10149 SHA-224
Z10152 SHA3-224
Z10153 SHA3-256
Z10154 SHA3-384
Z10155 SHA3-512
Z10150 SHAKE-128
Z10151 SHAKE-256
Z19412 SI Unit demo function
Z16821 Sign identity
Z19901 sign of string representing rational number
Z18080 sign to Gregorian era
Z17794 signed bitwise not
Z13934 Simple calculator
Z19514 Simple tense of verb
Z19380 simplify SMILES string
Z10423 sind Zeichenketten-Anagramme
Z18281 sort in alphabetic order
Z17869 sort list ascending (integers)
Z17873 sort list ascending (natural numbers)
Z20020 sort rational numbers
Z11289 sortiere Buchstaben einer Zeichenkette
Z17639 Spanish plural
Z19229 Spanish subject generator
Z17866 Spanish syllables from word
Z10119 Spielwiesen-Funktion
Z19886 Split / and return natural numbers, removing -
Z860 Sprachcode zu Sprache
Z13973 square pyramidal number
Z16184 Standard Arabic cardinal
Z19629 Standard Arabic ordinal
Z16443 Standard Moroccan Tamazight cardinal
Z15337 Stirling number of the second kind
Z18360 Stockfish Internal Evaluation To Winrate
Z18519 String Arabic
Z15914 string equality for Natural numbers
Z16560 string for a language
Z14124 string of characters from unicode range
Z15659 subfactorial
Z16711 subsequence exists
Z12818 Sudanesisch in Lateinisch
Z14376 sum of decimal digits
Z13984 sum of odd divisors
Z13993 sum of proper divisors
Z13999 sum of squares of divisors
Z20080 sum the elements of a list of rational numbers
Z13776 Summe der einzigartigen Primteiler
Z13773 Summe der Primteiler
Z13770 Summer der Teiler
Z14038 summiere die Elemente einer numerischen Liste
Z15207 superfactorial
Z17963 Swedish -s declension
Z16008 Swedish cardinal
Z17822 Swedish noun declension, indefinite plural, irregular nouns with only shortening of vovel (umlaut)
Z17907 Swedish noun declension, singular definite, -n/-et
Z17911 Swedish noun declension, singular definite, -nen/-en
Z17727 Swedish noun root in first morpheme in combinations
Z18048 Swedish noun seventh declension plural definite umlaut + -en
Z18045 Swedish noun seventh declension singular definite genitive -sens/-nens
Z17725 Swedish noun, first declension, definite singular, -n
Z17853 Swedish noun, fourth declension, singular definite, -n
Z17832 Swedish noun, ninth declension, indefinite plural, -en
Z17923 Swedish noun, second declension, definite plural genitive, -arnas/-larnas
Z17921 Swedish noun, second declension, definite plural, -arna/-larna
Z18104 Swedish noun, second declension, definite singular genitive, -ens/-elns
Z17736 Swedish noun, second declension, definite singular, -en/-eln
Z18108 Swedish noun, second declension, indefinite plural genitive, -ars/-rars
Z17721 Swedish noun, second declension, indefinite plural, -ar/-rar
Z17970 Swedish noun, sixth declension, definite genitive plural, -ens/-rnas
Z17966 Swedish noun, sixth declension, definite plural, -en/-rna
Z17783 Swedish noun, sixth declension, indefinite plural (same as singular)
Z18063 Swedish noun, sixth declension, singular definite genitive -ns/-ets
Z17934 Swedish noun, third declension, definite genitive plural, -ernas/-ädernas/-ternas/-öcknas
Z17928 Swedish noun, third declension, definite plural, -erna/-äderna/-terna/-öckna
Z18098 Swedish noun, third declension, definite singular genitive, -ens/-lens
Z17741 Swedish noun, third declension, definite singular, -en/-len
Z18101 Swedish noun, third declension, indefinite plural genitive, -ers/-äders/-ters/-öckers
Z17745 Swedish noun, third declension, indefinite plural, -er/-äder/-ter/-öcker
Z18145 Swedish verb, group 2, imperative
Z18175 Swedish verb, group 4, present -er/-r/-an
Z18163 Swedish verb, group 4, supine, umlaut + it/-it/-tt
Z18160 Swedish verb, preterite, umlaut - a
Z20449 T380828 reproduction function
Z120 Testfall prüfen
Z20571 Testing function for Gregorian Calendar Date
Z13967 tetrahedral number
Z14003 Thue-Morse sequence
Z20573 Tic tac toe AI
Z18771 to Headline Case
Z19418 to HTML list item
Z19421 to HTML ordered list
Z18775 to kebab case
Z10975 transliteriere javanische Schrift
Z20323 Triangle of Power operation
Z13961 triangular number
Z19565 Triple if
Z12801 Türkisch-Lateinisch in Armeno-Türkisch
Z10033 Türkische Silbentrennung
Z10029 Türkischer Silbenzähler
Z104 Typ prüfen
Z19077 Type identity
Z18569 type of list (as string)
Z16829 type of object
Z18626 type of Typed list
Z18636 Typed list has the same Object for its Type
Z883 typisierte Abbildung
Z882 typisiertes Paar
Z10559 umgekehrte binäre Zahl
Z10348 umgekehrte boolesche Implikation
Z10894 Umwandlung in Maqqef
Z10993 Umwandlung in Maqqef (komplex)
Z13124 Umwandlung zwischen Katakana und Hiragana
Z10214 unär falsch
Z10217 unär wahr
Z14416 unequal natural numbers
Z14624 Unicode character parser
Z10507 Unicode-Zeichenname
Z16850 unimplemented function
Z15334 unsigned Stirling number of the first kind
Z19943 unsimplified denominator of string rational
Z19933 unsimplified numerator of string rational
Z10708 unterbrechendes Zeichen in persischem Arabisch
Z13415 unterschiedliche kleingeschriebene Wörter
Z13411 unterschiedliche Wörter aus Zeichenkette
Z12230 Urdu-Konjunktionaladverb aus Stammverb
Z12228 Urdu-Stammverb aus Gerundium
Z12234 Urdu-Stammverb zu Imperfekt-Partizip zusammenfügen
Z12232 Urdu-Stammverb zu Partizip/Gerundium zusammenfügen
Z11053 URL-Abfrage-Zeichenkette
Z11049 URL-Parameter
Z13899 use Z15977 instead
Z16837 Valid ISBN-10
Z20628 Validate Day of Roman year
Z18889 validate hex color
Z20165 value by key index
Z11991 veraltet: deutsches Substantiv, -(e)s-Genitiv-Deklination
Z10658 verbinde Arabische Morpheme
Z12899 verbinde Liste von Zeichenketten
Z10645 verbinde Tadschikische Morpheme
Z15107 Verdoppeln
Z12608 vereinfachter chinesischer Einzelquantor
Z17081 Vietnamese cardinal from up to 3 digit natural number
Z11184 wandle Wikitabelle in Liste um
Z15811 wenn boolesch ist
Z18319 Wikidata entity JSON has entity-type claim?
Z18331 Wikidata entity JSON has string-type claim?
Z20041 Wikidata item reference ID string
Z19310 Wikidata lexeme reference string
Z20046 Wikidata property id string
Z12710 World-Athletics-Punkte berechnen
Z13402 Wörter aus Zeichenkette
Z11259 Wortstamm eines Deutschen Verbs
Z19384 wrap with HTML tag
Z19405 wrap with HTML tag and attributes
Z19403 wrap with XML tag and attributes
Z20213 Wrapper for fetch lexeme
Z14166 x-te Stelle von π
Z13147 Xorwow
Z18524 Yoruba plural
Z15330 zag number
Z13745 Zahl geteilt durch größten Primteiler
Z10831 Zeichenkette einstreuen
Z13138 Zeichenkette enthält Hebräisch
Z10911 Zeichenkette N mal wiederholen
Z10866 Zeichenkette nach anderer Zeichenkette
Z106 Zeichenkette prüfen
Z10108 Zeichenketten-Auffüllung am Ende
Z11602 Zeichenketten-Identität
Z10737 Zeilen umkehren
Z12315 Zeilenumbruch umwandeln: CR LF in LF
Z17893 ZID of object type
Z15326 zig number
Z19031 zip lists together
Z899 Zitat aufheben
Z199 Zitat prüfen
Z19121 zu S-Ausdruck
Z19463 Zufälliger boolescher Wert
Z10111 zusammenstellen
Z17073 Đọc số tự nhiên
Z19658 русское наречие по объекту языка
Z17464 ⚠️ same Reference
Z20289 🗿